School Groups and Events

Throughout the school year, several extra curricular activities, programs and events take place. Some of these are listed below. We hope you find this information helpful and interesting.

Student Groups

  • ‪‪Buddy Readers – In this program, intermediate students assume a teaching role and pair up with primary students to read together. The intermediate students learn teaching skills and patience while the primary students continue to learn to read while developing under a role model relationship.
  • Volley Ball Teams– Boys and Girls
  • Basketball Teams– Boys And Girls
  • Track and field team– Intermediate

Events Throughout Our School Year

  • ‪Hot Lunches—are prepared and served by our Parent Support Group four times a year.   Following grace, the students enjoy a meal with their school family including staff members and Father Vincent.
  • Pizza Days -are served once per month.
  • ‪Popcorn Days— take place as a special treat.
  • ‪School Mass— is celebrated monthly at the Church (the first Friday of the month at 9am).
  • ‪Holy Childhood Spirit Days” – occur monthly.  Students donate $2.00 to the H.C.A so they can wear non-uniform to school or partake in the wacky theme the staff has scheduled for that day.
  • ‪FUN FAIR— takes place in February with cake walks, games, prizes and much, much, more. (organized by the PSG)
  • ‪Gavin Lake Field Trip— Grade 6/7 start the school year with a recreation adventure, getting back to nature. The students go on interpretive hikes with exposure to the various forest ecosystems of the area. Students also learn and take responsibility in maintain their cabins, kitchen, washrooms, etc.
  • ‪Book fair– Scholastic books are sold and children can enter their names in a draw.
  • ‪Terry Fox Run– The National School Run Day. The entire school is encouraged to participate in this world famous event and charity.
  • ‪Hallowe’en Parade & Class Activities- children are invited to wear their costumes and partake in some Hallowe’en activities.
  • ‪Hallowe’en Potluck and Family Dance Night- a wonderful way to visit with and to get to know your school family! (arranged by the PSG)
  • ‪Traditional Christmas Concert– Christmas music, a manger scene and more!
  • ‪Christmas Carib Theater Movie Event- the entire school attends a screening of a movie, suitable for all our students, at our local theatre.
  • ‪Traditional Christmas Family Dinner— a dinner with all the trimmings including a visit from Santa (arranged by the PSG).
  • ‪Catholic School Week— 5 days of fun with daily themes and events such as; Wacky Hair Day, Hat & Sunglasses Day, Red & Pink Day, Team Jersey Day, Pajama Day, Geography Challenge, Candy Grams, 100 Day events, Valentines Dance, Knights of Columbus Basketball Free Throw, Skipping Demo, skating at the Twin Arenas & Free Popcorn provided by the PSG
    ‪Skiing / Snowboard program — Grades 4 through 7: four days of fun and exercise on Troll Ski Hill.
  • ‪Jump Rope For Heart A-Thon— the entire school is invited to participate in the Heart and Stroke Fundraiser
  • ‪Ready Set Learn Program— the province’s Ready Set Learn, initiative recognizes that families need a positive connection with the school system. This program is available for children 3 years of age and older and starts March 31. For more info contact the school.
  • ‪School Swimming Lessons -for Grades 1-4, At The Recreation Center. Have a blast while learning life-saving skills.
  • ‪Track Meets– St. Ann’ s students are invited to compete at local schools track and field meets.
  • School Fun Sports Day– a crazy day of wacky competition. The students are divided into “House Teams” and attempt to gain points for their teams by competing in non-traditional races!!!
  • ‪Awards Day
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